Church isn't for the Perfect

I have had several conversations with people lately, and the same thing keeps coming up: "I can’t go to church because of [insert reason here]." It made me think more and more about this, and I felt I needed to share why church isn’t just for the perfect.

Why Church Isn’t Just for the Perfect
Ever read James 4:8? It goes, "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." This isn't about being perfect or all holy. It's about God wanting us just as we are, flaws and all.

What Church Really Means
Think of church not as a runway for the saints but more like a hospital for everyone who's a bit broken. It’s the place where we don’t have to hide our struggles or pretend we’ve got it all together.

Why Our Imperfections Matter
Paul nails it in 2 Corinthians 12:9 when he shares God’s message: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Our weaknesses are exactly where God shows His strength. They're not something to be embarrassed about. They're where God’s grace shines the brightest.

We’re All in This Together
Going to church is about supporting each other in our walk with God. It’s about understanding that everyone around us is also working through their own stuff. We’re all in the same boat, trying to draw closer to God and let Him work in our lives.

Drawing Near to God
So let's keep it real. Let’s draw near to God with all our mess and watch Him do His thing, drawing close to us with arms wide open. In our struggles, remember, that's where you'll see God's light shine the brightest and feel His love the deepest.

Let's make our church meetings more than just a weekly routine. Let’s turn them into real-time, live-action demonstrations of God’s grace in action, touching every heart and renewing every spirit. Join in, bring your real self, and see how perfect God’s love is, especially in our imperfection.

And remember this, Church is not a place for us to go get entertained. Church is a place we to go get trained and Empowered...

Pastor Jay Johnson


Rich - April 23rd, 2024 at 6:03pm

Good stuff right there! Amen.

Travis - April 24th, 2024 at 9:55am

I needed that today Pastor Jay. Thank you 💪🏻